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Showing posts from April, 2016

Testing React components with Jasmine in Rails with the react-rails gem

So in my latest project, we are using Ruby on Rails and the react-rails gem to implement our React components. While react-rails is fine for the most part (and for simple components), there is a severe limitation in that you cannot use ES6 modules (i.e. using the import and export classes) because of the way asset-pipeline works. Asset-pipeline precompiles all your JS into one mega JS file and therefore doesn't allow you to call individual JavaScript components in separate files (because they don't pushed to the server). This is a severe problem which I hope gets fixed soon, but in the meantime don't hold your breath. There are workarounds using Browserify and/or Webpack, but they are messy (Google them for more info). In any case, react-rails does allow simple React components in Rails apps and it mounts them all in the window/global namespace, so you can use a good 75% of React within a Rails application. So now, we come to testing... Facebook uses a testing f...