Just a short one for now. Most of the time, if you are working on a well defined project, it's pretty easy to find where a function is if you want to change/tweak it. You can look in the class where it is defined and/or see if there are any mixins or decorators. Sometimes, it can be downright impossible to tell. Enter source_location Fire up your rails console and put in the following (for a class method :search on User) User.method(:search).source_location if you have an instance method User.new.method(:search).source_location This should give you something like the following [ "/Users/yourdrive/Projects/prokect/vendor/cache/thinking-sphinx-9b71ce0f7d9d/lib/thinking_sphinx/search_methods.rb" , 367 ] This should at least give you some idea of what is going on...
This is my technical blog where I note things I have developed that I want to remember.