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Showing posts from June, 2015

Source Location, i.e. Where the heck is this method defined?

Just a short one for now. Most of the time, if you are working on a well defined project, it's pretty easy to find where a function is if you want to change/tweak it. You can look in the class where it is defined and/or see if there are any mixins or decorators. Sometimes, it can be downright impossible to tell. Enter source_location Fire up your rails console and put in the following (for a class method :search on User) User.method(:search).source_location if you have an instance method This should give you something like the following [ "/Users/yourdrive/Projects/prokect/vendor/cache/thinking-sphinx-9b71ce0f7d9d/lib/thinking_sphinx/search_methods.rb" ,   367 ] This should at least give you some idea of what is going on...

Mixins in ES6

I had been looking for a good way to do mixins in ES6. Looks like I finally found one. Essentially, create the mixin as a const Use Object.assign to add the properties to the Class const BookCollector = { addToCollection ( name ) { this . collection (). push ( name ); return this ; }, collection () { return this . _collected_books || ( this . _collected_books = []); } }; class Person { constructor ( first , last ) { this . rename ( first , last ); } fullName () { return this . firstName + " " + this . lastName ; } rename ( first , last ) { this . firstName = first ; this . lastName = last ; return this ; } }; Object . assign ( Person . prototype , BookCollector ); (I am copying and pasting this for personal reference in case the original site link goes down).