You know that cool Drag and Drop file uploading they have in Gmail? You know, the one where you can drag a file from a folder onto a webpage and upload it?
Have you looked at the code? Looks complicated huh?
Well, thankfully, for any cool bit of JavaScript functionality out there, someone has created a plug in (most likely in jQuery, but not always...). is (as far as I can tell) a library agnostic JavaScript plug in which factors out all the hard work.
All you have to do is put in a "dummy" element on to which to hook (never end a sentence in a preposition) and then put in a small snippet of code to turn it into a file upload element
Obviously you need to include their library as well...
It has some common backend code to handle uploads as well (php, perl, cgi, java) but no Ruby. Come on guys! Get with it already! Hopefully they will read this and provide...
Have you looked at the code? Looks complicated huh?
Well, thankfully, for any cool bit of JavaScript functionality out there, someone has created a plug in (most likely in jQuery, but not always...). is (as far as I can tell) a library agnostic JavaScript plug in which factors out all the hard work.
All you have to do is put in a "dummy" element on to which to hook (never end a sentence in a preposition) and then put in a small snippet of code to turn it into a file upload element
<div id="file-uploader">
<p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
// pass the dom node (ex. $(selector)[0] for jQuery users)
element: document.getElementById('file-uploader'),
// path to server-side upload script
action: '/server/upload'
Obviously you need to include their library as well...
It has some common backend code to handle uploads as well (php, perl, cgi, java) but no Ruby. Come on guys! Get with it already! Hopefully they will read this and provide...