The Display List in ActionScript 3 is comparable to the DOM on a web page. Through the Display List you can add and remove your View components.
I am not going to go into too much detail here are there are already many excellent articles about it online ( (
Suffice to say you will be calling addChild() and removeChild() quite frequently.
I am going to give you a few practical tips though...
Often (if you are doing truly modular MVC, which I will cover later), you will be firing off notes that may tell you to add and/or remove various components from the display list. You may fire a note which will ask to remove a child which doesn't exist though and this will cause your app to throw a nasty error.
Just like in real life, I find it handy to name my children i.e.
var dialog:Dialog = new Dialog(); = "dialog";
Later on, you may have some code which removes it.
However, if you aren't sure it will be there there is a better method
if(this.getChildByName("dialog") != null) {
What you are doing is first checking to see this child exists and if so, you can remove it. This should prevent any potential run time errors.